About Our Instructors

Caitlin Marvaso (Owner/Therapist/Instructor)

My journey through movement arts has taught me so much about my body. I began dancing after experiencing a great loss and discovered how to move through my grief by dancing.

Roz Hurst (Lead Instructor/Therapist)

Roz has been pole dancing since October of 2019 and teaching various class levels since April 2021.

Seetha Sankaranarayan (Instructor)

Seetha began pole dancing in 2019 and expanded her practice to performance & instruction in 2023. Drawing on a lifetime of movement including gymnastics, yoga, weightlifting, and field hockey, plus physical therapy for each modality, her teaching style underscores functional movement and mindfulness as a strong foundation for freestyle flow.

A staunch advocate of the benefits of movement in managing chronic illnesses, Seetha invites students to celebrate the ways their body shows up for them every day. Come to unveil your innate power, stay to cultivate presence, and return to playfully explore your body’s potential.

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Kate Nickles (Instructor)

Kate (@moonthighs) has been pole dancing for 2.5 years and began her journey with none other than Caitlin Rose herself. Her signature style is juice freestyle flow that ranges from emotional to flirty but always including a sprinkle of eroticism. Since becoming an instructor, her goal is to empower students to lovingly explore the stories their bodies hold.

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It is our whole hearted belief that our body is our home. However, unfortunate things, constricting narratives, assaults, generational trauma, judgments, injustices...

Have occurred to our bodies which has caused us to shrink, close up, hide, wither, wilt, and forget how brilliant our bodies are and what they are capable of. Like the lights got turned out in our house.

We are capable of turning all the lights back on in our house and remembering that we can use our bodies as vessels to heal and create that which we most deeply desire.

The actual Light House is meant to provide you with a healing space for movement to support you in turning all of the lights on in your house, so that you can become your own light house. Thus Light House Movement is born!

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